Recommended Routes and Pricing
Below are our package deals. You can choose to follow these routes, combine them, or select only the activities that interest you. The listed price includes pick up/drop off from Guilin airport or train station, entrance tickets to all parks and temples, bike/boat rental fees, all taxi fares, guiding fee, and hotel booking for the duration of the stay. It does not include the price of meals, which depending on your tastes, can range anywhere between 10 and 70 yuan/person/day. We only charge the adults; the childen will not be charged except for incidental fees (e.g. bike rental). Any questions? Please contact us.

The below itineraries are examples only! You can choose the activities that interest you.
As a guideline our general price is 100 Yuan / day ( one person ); 150 Yuan / day ( two persons ); 200 Yuan / day ( three persons ); 250 Yuan / day ( more than three persons ).
Yangshuo Mountains and Rivers (3 Days)
Day 1: P
ick up at Guilin (city near Yangshuo), take a taxi to Yangshuo. Get settled into hotel, visit the downtown shops and restaurants.
Day 2: Breakfast. Cycle or taxi to visit caves and rural village. Bamboo rafting on Yulong River. After lunch, visit Big Banyan Tree and Moon Hill. Return to Yangshuo through country path. Dinner in town. After dinner, watch famous Liu Sanjie Light Show.
Day 3: Visit Yangshuo Park in morning. Breakfast. Visit local food market. Cruise on the Li River (private boat). Land in Xingping and eat lunch. Visit Xingping market and then taxi back to Yangshuo. At night, watch cormorrant birds fishing on the Li River.
Day 4: Taking a taxi to Guilin Airport or Train Station in morning.
Price: Two people = 1420 yuan/person. Three people = 1280 yuan/person. Four people = 1160 yuan/person.
Yangshuo Fruits and Flowers (4 days)
It is our distinctive features to develop flowers tour, fruits tour and other agriculture tour. Yangshuo is an agricultural county. Lots of vegetables, fruits, and rice are planted here and beacuse of the warm climate, there is almost always something in bloom. For example: peaches, namziberries, orange orchards, kumquat flowers, pomelo flowers, osmanthus flowers, orchids, strawberries, plums, lichees, and many more.
Day 1-3: Bike riding, hiking, and river cruise. Light Show. (See Route A.)
Day 4: Cycling or taxi to countryside. Visit villages, pomelo orchard, orange orchard, bayberry orchard. At mountain and stream landscape, learn about fengshui. To go this route you will have chance to pick the wild fruits, such as namziberry, rasberry; or watch rice flowers, orange flowers, pemelo flowers or wild flowers; or pick oranges, pomeloes, bayberries in the orchards if you come at the right time. In the afternoon or evening, taking a taxi to Guilin Airport or Train Station.
Price: Two persons = 1620 yuan/person. Three persons = 1450 yuan/person. Four persons = 1320 yuan/person.
Yangshuo Religion Tour (4 days)
Day 1-3: Explore the countryside by bike, take a river cruise, see the famous Light Show. (See Route A.)
Day 4: After breakfast, take a taxi to Jiangshan Temple. After Jiangshan, visit Gongcheng Confucius Temple. Have lunch, return to Yangshuo. The Gongcheng Temple often has festivals such as the Peach Flower Festival or the Persimon Festival. On average, there are also many local people that come here to for worship. In the afternoon or evening, taking a taxi to Guilin Airport or Train Station.
Price: Two persons = 1680 yuan/person. Three persons = 1480 yuan/person. Four persons = 1330 yuan/person.
WinWin Travels - The Yangshuo Specialists